Gill’s professionalism and manner were second to none. I would have no hesitation in recommending Gill.
Positive Impact
Gill has helped me in ways that I didn't realise possible. When I started therapy I was not in a good place, since working with Gill so many aspects of my life are so much better. It's made me feel lighter and had an undeniably positive impact on my relationships with others, but most importantly, my relationship with myself. I would recommend Gill to anyone who doesn't feel like they're the happiest/best version of themselves - it's so worth taking the time to talk and understand yourself, so you can start to enjoy life again.
Fantastic Job
Gill is kind and warm and does a fantastic job.
Highly Recommend
I would highly recommend Gill to anyone. She has helped me on two separate occasions. On both occasions she has listened without judgement, offered reflections and insights, and helped me find a way forwards. I would reach out to her again in a heartbeat.
Best version
Thank you for helping me to be the best version of myself!
Addressed issues
When I first came to see Gill I desperately needed some help as I was unable to sleep and it was making me feel very low and anxious because it had been going on for years. After having sessions with Gill I addressed issues from my past that I had previously suppressed and in doing this I found a way to move forward and my sleep improved dramatically. I am so grateful for the help Gill gave me and I am so glad I have overcome this problem.
Permanent benefits
Thanks once again for your support during my little work ‘hiatus’. Things have been going quite smoothly since then and I genuinely feel I have gained some permanent benefits.
Never judged me
When I first enquired about counselling I was very nervous and a bit apprehensive, as I had tried a couple of times with a counsellor but it never worked out. Gill never judged me or made me feel uncomfortable. Instead she supported me and helped me guide my way onto the path that I felt I had fallen off. I am so grateful and pleased I made the decision to contact her.